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Northern-California native, trying to do as much as I can in the time I have here.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Strings and Kings

Strings and Kings

Life here can be like living in a snow globe. Being shaken around and everything is flying everywhere and your never in the same place only to land calmly at the bottom only to do it all over again. For now I can appreciate the constant change because it is something a person can get used to and adapt to but I hope at some point I will look back and appreciate the challenges I overcame during training. If anything this is just that first quarter in college and the bucket showers I take and the stomach sickness is all part of hazing. When look at it through that perspective, it makes everything flow better and I look forward to what is to come and the activities I am in now. Like I have written before I am grateful for this position and will never take it for granted.

What is to come!

Our group is taking off to a place that is only accessible by riding on the back of a truck and then a motorcycle so I will be disappointed if I do not come back with stories and pictures worth sharing. This week the city I am living in is also kicking off their patronales week were they celebrate their patrons. I think it is an excuse to sell more stuff and party in the streets. Our director strongly recommends that we take part in everything we can.

Keep reading and send me comments, I can’t get enough of them!!!!

1 comment:

Curtis said...

Thanks for the pics! And thanks for sharing about getting sick - glad I didnt read it on my lunch break. Any good watches there to find?